Fairy Free Gets Some Publicity

A story about my two wins from the Royal Palms Literary Awards made the local paper!


Next stop will hopefully be publication if I get enough nominations in my Kindle Scout Campaign which runs through 11/30. Please click on the below to nominate!











Kindle Scout Campaign

Hi Everyone, My Kindle Scout campaign begins today! Please follow the link below to my debut novel, Fairy Free, which recently won two First Place Royal Palm Literary Awards for Mixed Genre and Fantasy.

If I get enough nominations within a 30 day period, the book will get published! If you could share this post on your FB page ad other social media outlets, I would be grateful. Thanks, and hope you like it!


First blog post

Fairy Free

My debut novel Fairy Free won two prestigious Royal Palm Literary Awards this weekend! The novel won First Place in both the Unpublished Mixed Genre (YA Fantasy) and the Unpublished Fantasy Genre.

The awards were announced at FWA’s recent four-day annual conference in Altamonte Springs, Florida.

